Judy Comeau

Judy discovered the world of a cappella Barbershop singing in 1967 at the age of 22, and fell in love with the genre. Since then, during her 56-year career, she founded five choruses, achieving first place finishes at International Championships in 1974- 1975, 2008-2009 and again in 2012-2013, plus silver medal showings at the CBC Radio National Musical Festival and at the World Choir Games in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Judy’s passion has taken her as far away as St. Petersburg, Russia, where she led her previous chorus on a seven-day concert tour at the invitation of the Russian Ministry of Culture. Through the years Judy has held several administrative positions with the Harmony, Incorporated and Sweet Adelines organizations. In 2022, under Judy’s direction, Seaside A Cappella placed seventh at its first-ever International Contest, and received two awards. Also in 2022, Judy was honored as a Special Citizen and Volunteer of the Year by the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg.